Rajasthan CEOs Forum |
With the following objectives, the Rajasthan CEOs Forum was launched by us on 08th October 2000 : |
- To provide an exclusive forum for meaningful professional interaction.
- Amongst the heads of various organizations, institutions,
departments and other Top Management persons across all walks of life in/from Rajasthan.
- To facilitate networking of Forum members with the distinguished persons of expertise and eminence from all over India and
abroad to enable better growth and progress of their respective organizations and the State of Rajasthan.
- To do any and all activities which would benefit the people and organizations at large in/from Rajasthan.
The membership of this Forum is by invitation only and it presently has 60 members from amongst the CEOs of/from Rajasthan. The
meetings of the Forum are held regularly, where the members have an exclusive opportunity to interact closely amongst themselves
and also with the persons of eminence and expertise invited specially for making presentations and establishing networking at the
meeting for the benefit of the members and their respective organizations. |
The Forum has so far organised 15 major activities since its inception with distinguished speakers such as Prof. J. P. Singh
(IIM Ahmedabad), Dr. (Mrs.) Kiran Bedi (Indian Police Service), Mr. K. Ramesh (Head of E-Commerce, Hindustan Lever Ltd.),
Ms. Susheela Venkataraman (Executive Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd.), Swami Jitatmananda (Head, Ramakrishna Ashram,
Rajkot), Dr. Anil Kakodkar (Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, India), Prof. Sushil (IIT Delhi), Prof. V. S. Vyas (Member, Prime Minister's
Economic Advisory Council) and Dr. Abid Hussain (Former Indian Ambassador to USA). |
On 10 September 2005, we organised 1st RAJASTHAN CEOs CONFERENCE at Chandra Inn, Jodhpur with the theme as "Industrial
Development of Rajasthan : Opportunities & Challenges". This conference was dedicated to the memory of Late Shri C. M. Agarwal
Sahib (Founder of Rajasthan Udyog Group) and inaugurated by Maharaja Gaj Singh of Marwar-Jodhpur. |
On 24 September 2008, we organised 2nd RAJASTHAN CEOs CONFERENCE at Town Hall, Jodhpur with the theme as
"Law & Business". This conference was dedicated to the memory of Late Shri Sampat Raj Bhandari Sahib and inaugurated by
Mr. Justice (Retd.) N. N. Mathur, Vice Chancellor, National Law University, Jodhpur and presided over by
Mr. Justice (Retd.) Chand Mal Lodha, Formerly Chief Justice of Rajasthan and Guwahati High Courts. |
Each of the above conferences had around 20 top-notch speakers in various subject panels and attended by around 300 persons. |