Normally the educational institutions all over India and abroad are concerned just with their main programmes and some also with executive development & training programmes for the various organisations. While our Institute is also involved in our main educational programme of nation-building, but we have always looked at our role much beyond these. |

We sincerely believe that the local society of Jodhpur, in particular and Rajasthan & India, in general should also benefit from the presence of this Institute here. Towards this objective, our Institute started conducting various societal benefit programmes right from the beginning in the year 2000. We have already organised these programmes at Jodhpur, Jaipur, Udaipur, Bikaner, Ahmedabad and Baroda so far and soon in all the other major cities of Rajasthan, and India. In this context, during the last around two decades, we have conducted over 300 public lectures, programmes for the industry, school children, college/university students, women, villagers, orphans and specially-abled people benefitting over 25,000 persons. |
A special programme called "Umang" is organised regularly by our students to provide a platform to the physically challenged, blind, deaf, dumb & orphan children and old age home persons for expression of their talent and an opportunity for them to learn with fun. Each year this unique event has been attended by upto 2000 persons from all over Jodhpur District, including far away villages.
Every year our students also donate blood, of which the donor cards are provided to the selected hospitals, to be used exclusively for the poor patients who cannot afford to pay for the blood needed by them.
All these activities and programmes, while benefiting the society at large, also provide a unique opportunity to our students to learn the dignity of labour, inculcate humility and develop interpersonal sensitivity, so essential for a good citizen.