Management Consultancy |
Apart from conducting programmes in Management & Entrepreneurship and Management Development Programmes (MDPs), we
also provide management consultancy to the corporate houses and other organisations.
We have got a team of experienced management experts in relevant subjects for providing the required management consultancy
to any organisation, in various areas such as: |
- Strategic Consultancy: Business process analysis and re-engineering for globally competitive operations.
- Project Consultancy : Identification of new ventures, feasibility studies, preparing the business plan, coordinating the finances and
the successful implementation of the project.
- Marketing Consultancy : Market development and promotional strategies, which include distribution channel, advertising and
brand management.
- Business Audit : Conducting the business audit of the existing business, which includes the study of technical, financial, marketing and
human resource strategies of the business and recommending improved strategies for more efficient utilization of the resources.
- HR Interventions : Providing professional training on technical systems, financial systems, sales & marketing systems, human resource
systems, etc. These focus on inducting greater professionalism in the organisation to be globally competitive.
- International Business Management: Export Trade Management, International Channel Management and Cross Culture
- Wasteland Transformation : Process and action plan to transform any kind of arid and wastelands into green area.